In June 2009 I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. In June 2010 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
I am trying to live my life so that I am healthy, happy, and fulfilled.
Ever since I was a kid I've empathized with Pumba. He had digestive problems, I had digestive problems. He does a much better job describing emotions I've had over the years.
I believe that Pumba is an undiagnosed Celiac, that is why this blog is in his name. :)
Also, this song has kind of turned into my own personal motto. Hakuna Matata, no worries. I want to live my life free of stress and worry. I am happy to live a simple, slow-paced life.
Sort through the fluff and get to what you really want...
The World's Healthiest Foods by George Mateljan - NOT A GLUTEN-FREE OR CELIAC BOOK. However, this book provides a ton of information on healthy foods, most of which are naturally Gluten-Free. If you are interested in knowing about the foods you are eating and if they are healthy this is a great book.
- This book is great for beginner thyroid patients. It doesn't have information on Hashimoto's, but it does have good information and tips about Hypothyroidism.
This video is a great resource to learn the basics of Celiac Disease. It explains the genetics, the physical effects/damage, the varying symptoms, and basic information about the Gluten-Free diet and cross-contamination. If you are newly dianosed, or just want to learn more about Celiac Disease I recommend watching this video. If you want a bigger image check it out on YouTube.