Friday, July 8, 2011

There Is Power In Knowledge

I loved school. I've always valued education and believe that it can have a great impact on peoples' lives. As I've grown older I still value education only my perspective on what education is has shifted a bit. I believe education is the pursuit of knowledge both spiritual and temporal, whether in a formal setting or not. I also believe that there is power in knowledge, which is why I continually try to educate myself. Knowledge can bring enlightenment to a hope-less situation. Knowledge can bring guidance to the lost. Knowledge can empower someone to change and make a difference in the world around them. I have experienced the power of knowledge and have found that it really has made all the difference in my life. Because of knowledge I can understand and have peace about challenges in my life. Knowledge has given me a foundation on which to build myself.

I have been amazed recently with some people I've met how they don't take advantage of the knowledge around, but rather sit confused and in a stupor, figuring that it'll all just work out magically somehow. And they are right, it will. But where I see the difference is in the quality of life they have in the interim. My life is much happier and much more peaceful when I have an understanding about what is going on. For me that means I am going to research and use the resources I have been given. Knowledge may not always fix my life but it makes the quality of my life better.

We live in a world now where knowledge is all around us. We are blessed to have more knowledge at our fingertips than most scholars had access to 'back in the day'. That's not to say that acquiring knowledge these days is easy. In fact I think it is just as difficult as it used to be. Because there is so much information available to us, through the internet and all the research that is currently being done, it is difficult to sift through it all and decide what is really true and what just sounds good. It's easy to go to someone's blog and read about, oh I don't know.... the oats controversy in a gluten free diet, but just because it's there doesn't mean it's true.
** On a side note, I do try to only write about information that I have researched and believe for myself. It's up to my readers to do their research too and decide for themselves if what I say is true.

Just because it's difficult though doesn't mean it isn't worth it. For me taking the easy way out and just letting life work itself out isn't an option. I want the power that knowledge brings with it. I want the peace and understanding. I want to use the knowledge I obtain to make my life better than it could have been. So I'll keep researching and sifting through information. I may make mistakes, I may get frustrated, but to me it's worth it.