Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I went to the doctor this week. Good news!! The celiac panel blood test that the doctor redid came back negative for celiac disease. That does not mean that I don't have it anymore; it just means that I am no longer receiving damage to my small intestine, because I am no longer eating gluten. In the big picture it means that I can start healing now; almost 6 months later. I will say that I realize I am so blessed and I am grateful for that. In all reality we did not expect me to be this well yet. However, I must admit that I sometimes loose my patience. I'm trying to do everything I can and I sometimes get frustrated that it is such a slow process to heal. But there is even a blessing in that. Every time I feel that I am about to loose my patience completely I feel myself strengthened with a renewed sense of importance for what I am doing and how I am spending my time right now. When I look at everything I have been through the past few months I cannot help but be grateful and in complete awe at the blessings, strength, guidance, and comfort I have received from my Father in Heaven. I honestly can't think negatively about my situation. I have been able to become closer with my family and my Father in Heaven. I have grown personally; becoming more confident in myself and more sure of who I am and what I want my life to be. I am truly happy right now and I know that the Lord will continue to bless my life and guide me to the opportunities that will be of the most value to me.

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