Friday, November 20, 2009

Cravings and Endless Hunger

For the past year I have had the worst eating habits. I would crave sweets and carbohydrates to no end. Plus... I was ALWAYS hungy. I not just talking about the 'hey I want a bite of that' hunger, I am talking my stomach was growling hunger. At first I decided I just had a bad relationship with food. So I tried to be careful about what I ate and how much I ate. My will power would only ever last a few days. The cravings and hunger would get to me and I would start to constantly eat again. I didn't know what was wrong with me or what to do about it. I felt like I had no control over myself. There was just something instinctive inside me the knew it had to keep eating. It got to the point where some nights I would be completely full and yet I would still have this internal need to keep eating, even though I didn't want to. In all honesty it really scared me.
Well, it makes much more sense now. Because of the damage in my intestines I wasn't absorbing any of the nutrients from the food I was eating. So in reality my body was starving even though I was eating. That explains the constant hunger and the need to keep eating. Also, because I was so fatigued (which I'll write about later), and again not absorbing anything, my body was craving quick energy, which would explain the cravings for sweets and carbohydrates. Understanding this has helped me handle the cravings and hunger. Knowing why I am feeling the way I am feeling has helped me be able to manage what I eat and how much I eat, to give my body what it needs and not necessarily what it wants. Over the past few months the cravings and hunger have subsided a lot. Now that my body is absorbing some nutrients it's not on constant alert for food. A more reasonable diet is coming slowly, although I still think I eat more than I should. Over time I think I will be fine. It's a relief to know that I can manage my relationship with food and that I don't have some sort of psychological disorder.

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