Friday, September 4, 2009

Gluten Free Review

This is going to be a long post. I have tried many 'gluten-free' products and have yet to post about them, so here we go...

Van's Blueberry Waffles- These were not delicious. They crumbled, had a rough texture, and no flavor. Seriously, nothing. Every once in a while I thought I tasted a hint of blueberry, but that was it. It was not worth the raw mouth you get from eating them. However, if you just need a base for some syrup or something these might be good for you.

 French Meadow Bakery Brownies - You can buy these in the frozen section of Whole Foods. I enjoyed them. However, you have to eat them while the are still a bit chilled. If you let them come completley to room temperature that are kind of gritty. While I did enjoy them I do not think they are worth the price. They are about $7.00 a box and you get 9 small brownies. I can make my own that taste just as good or better for much less.

A Taste of Thai Garlic Basil Coconut Rice First - Let me say that I love rice mixes. Before I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease Rice A Roni and such was my favorite stuff. Now, that said, this rice mix was not my favorite. I love Thai food but something just seemed a bit off with the flavors. Also, I made it per the directions, and it was all cooked, but it just seemed dry. I don't know if it was just the kind of rice they used, I have never had Jasmine rice before, but it wasn't my favorite. And again, it was a bit expensive for what I got out of it. I'm sure that I could come up with something that I like better on my own.

Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free Brownie Mix -
Your first reaction when you see these brownies is going to be, "Is that chocolate or poop?" If I hadn't been the one to make these I would have said poop. These were not good, at all. They were gritty and had a nasty after-taste. I can and have made homemade gluten-free brownies that taste much better than these. I love Bob's Red Mill but this is not their best product.
Funny story though... I took these brownies to a party so that there would be something that I could eat. Unfortunately I couldn't get to some people to tell them to watch out because they were 'special' brownies. It was really funny to watch their faces across the room as they stuck the whole thing in their mouths. Towards the end one of my friends came into the room and said, "Pumba, I'm sorry I thought you left and I threw out your brownies." The guy sitting next to me turned and said with a tone of relief, "Oh, you brought those brownies? That makes sense now... there was no real flour in them." Needless to say they were not the hit of the party.

Boomi Bars
I didn't take a picture of these, sorry. I tried three different kinds. Macadamia Paradise was delicious but very sweet. I loved the mix of flavors between the pineapple and the macadamia nuts. Perfect Pumpkin --- (something, I can't remember what, sorry) was good too. It had a fruit and nut bar taste to it, which I love. Walnut Date was good too. It was more plain than the other two, but still good. While these are good I probably wouldn't buy them on a regular basis, but if they were around I would eat them. I could probably make my own fruit and nut bars that taste just a good. That's going to be one of my next experiments.

Larabar - I went to a Celiac support group meeting recently and they had these to try. I am so glad I did not pay money for these. I tried two kinds, Apple Pie and Pecan Pie. I tried the Apple Pie one first. It was gross. Seriously, it was dry and had this really funny tang. Seeing as these bars are mostly nuts and dates I thought that the plainer Pecan Pie one would taste better. However, it tasted exactly the same as the Apple Pie one. If I had been blind-folded I wouldn't have been able to tell them apart. I have recently been experimenting with nuts and dates and my wacky experiments have turned out way better than either of these bars.

Bob's Red Mill Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal - I actually liked this. It's really plain but you can do so much with it. I really liked it with honey and cinnamon in it. I have also tried it with blueberries. I also think it would be really good with baked apples, bacon and cheese (if I could eat cheese), and so many other things!! It's kind of like grits but chewier. It also has a more neutral flavor than grits, much more versatile. I would definitely recommend this.

So, the trend throughout this post, except for the Hot Cereal, is that most things that are made to be gluten free and not very good. I have found that it is better to experiment with homemade things and things that are naturally gluten free. This just further supports my idea of eating a mostly whole foods diet. But I will probably try more 'gluten free' things hoping to find something that is good. I'll keep you posted.

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