Saturday, September 26, 2009


Yes, I used the plural form on purpose. I have had multiple rashes since I can remember.

Eczema - I have had eczema since I was a baby. This is a dry, flaky, itchy rash. Luckily, I usually only have a few little spots. I know some people who get huge spots everywhere. Lotion and Hydrocortisone cream will help relieve the itching and dry feeling temporarily. The only thing you can do for it permantly is, find out what the cause of it is, usually some sort of allergin, and stay away from it. Eczema is a known symptom of celiac disease and since I have been gluten free I have noticed that my spots are going away.

Hives - The chronic hives started when I was about 11 years old. The only way I can think to describe hives is itchy welts... everywhere. After going to the doctor and getting extensive allergy testing done they threw their hands up and said they didn't know what was causing it. Over the years I figured out that I got hives when I was exposed to cold or when my hormones fluctuated. After becoming immune to Benedryl the doctors put me on a daily, sometimes twice daily, dose of Claritin to try to keep it under control. Hives are not on the list of known symptoms for celiac disease. However, I have not had hives once since I have been gluten free. Plus I stopped taking Claritin when I started the diet. That means that the hives are gone!!

Dermatitis Herpetiformis - This is by far the worst rash I have ever had. It started around first or second grade. Most people who have it get it on their elbows, knees, and rear end. Over the years I have gotten it everywhere. However, since high school I have mainly gotten it on my face. If you have dermatitis herpetiformis, you have celiac disease... period. For patients with this rash it is usually the only symptom of celiac disease they have. (Not in my case, I guess I'm just lucky) This is an intensely itchy rash that appears as watery blisters. I have been really lucky with this because I usually only get small outbreaks of it and it does clear up for short periods of time. Usually people get large breakouts and it rarely goes away. Since I have been gluten free it has pretty much gone away! Every once in a while I will get one or two spots that clear up very quickly.

I am amazed that cutting out one thing from my diet has cleared up all the rashes I have had since the time I was little. I can take a lot of things but itching all the time was one thing that really got to me. I am so excited that I don't have to spend the rest of my life scratching!

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