Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Those of you who know me know I love sugar. However, over the past two years I have come to the realization that sugar does not love me. So I have given it up. It took me two years of baby steps to do it, but I am proud to say that with Divine help I have recently been able to fully kick my sugar habit. I do still eat fruit, and will allow myself treats made with natural sugar (ie. fruit, honey, maple syrup, etc) on special occasions (translating to 2-3 times a year).

Unfortunately I will admit that I am not the kind of person that can just give up a bad habit. I am the kind of person that replaces one habit for another. In place of my sugar habit I now have a peanut butter habit. I've always loved peanut butter, and have always eaten it. But now it is a bit to the extreme. I have been averaging a jar of peanut butter every 3-4 days for the past couple of months. I know, it's sick to think about.... but delicious in reality. :)

To my credit I only eat all natural peanut butter. Only peanuts and salt. That's good, right? I have tried many kinds and brands over the past couple of months and have found a favorite.


I've decided that this habit is not beneficial to my health for many reasons, and I realize that I need to do something about it. This past Sunday I finished a jar of peanut butter and decided that I was going to try and not eat peanut butter this week. I realized that I probably wasn't going to be successful. I made it a day and a half. See, what happened was is I was at the store that had the peanut butter (you can't find it everywhere) so I decided to get a jar just in case. You know, in case I decided to cave at some point. Well, I caved the moment I got home. I actually did well on portion control that day. Today however, I have not done so well. Right before I wrote this I ate my fourth peanut butter on rice cake for the day. In my defense I didn't really have lunch today.

So, maybe tomorrow I'll be a bit better at portion control. And maybe after this jar is finished I'll last a bit longer than a day and a half before I get another jar. Right now I'm not too worried about it. I have a really good diet besides the overkill of peanut butter. I don't eat junk food, or eat out. Eventually I'll quit the habit. Hopefully it won't take me two years, like the sugar habit. I think if I kept eating as much peanut butter as I am now for two years I'd be as big as a house, and NO ONE wants that.


  1. Dude, that is a freak lot of peanut butter. I have the same container of pb in my house that I bought a year.

    I, however, cannot make the same claims about boxes of brownie mix.

    You definitely win on this one.

  2. Well, I love peanut butter, too! I developed a true love for it in the last year. I probably go through about a large jar every month and a half.

    The thing is, is you can put peanut butter on just about anything to make it taste like a real treat: chocolate chips, apples, bananas, bread, toast, English muffins, celery, carrots, crackers, etc. If you want to make it even sweeter, add a bit of honey to it, and eat it with a banana -- it's SOOOO good!

  3. Also, I thought this post was fabulous -- honest and funny. Just how I like it. :)

  4. Amy! I am so glad you are writing again!
