Sunday, August 16, 2009


I like change. I find it challenging; and I love a good challenge! Besides change can always be a positive thing as long as you make it a positive thing. Being diagnosed with Celiac Disease definitely meant some change. But I was also filled with excitement. The gluten-free diet is certainly a learning curve but I have been enjoying every moment of it.

Well, just to keep the excitement going I am adding in some more change. I've been gluten-free for a month and the truth of the matter is that I am still sick. Earlier this week I decided it was the little bits of milk I was getting (I am lactose intolerant due to the damage of my villi); the chocolate, the margarine, the gluten-free brownies, etc. So, I decided to be 100% dairy-free too. Unfortunately, being dairy-free did not help me from being sick this weekend; and I mean SICK. I haven't been that sick in a while. This morning I was trying to figure it out. Had I gotten gluten somewhere? That just seems impossible, I've been very cautious. It wasn't the dairy because a) I hadn't eaten anything with dairy in a few days and b) this was a different kind of sick (yes, I can tell the difference). All of a sudden I realized, I had eaten something with yeast in it this weekend. I don't normally eat things with yeast. The last time I ate something with yeast I was really sick too.

Now, I don't think I am allergic to yeast but it does make sense for something else: Candida Overgrowth Candida is a bacteria (bad) in your intestinal system. Normally you have a very small amount. However, due to things like stress, poor diet, or other health problems, candida can multiple at a very high rate causing the balance of good to bad bacteria to be off which causes intestinal problems. When you ingest things like yeast and sugar it feeds the growth of the candida causing an even higher reproduction rate and more issues. I know for a fact that the good to bad bacteria ratio is off in my system. This is due to deterioration of my intestines and malabsorption. This is also why my doctor had me start taking a probiotic (good bacteria in pill form). I figure maybe the balance is just a little more off than we expected and I need to take a few extra steps in trying to right the ratio of good and bad bacteria.

So, back to the change thing; I have also decided to cut out all yeast and refined sugar from my diet as well. (At this point I will do whatever it takes to feel better) The yeast won't be a problem at all. However, I am a self proclaimed sugar addict. It's going to take some getting used to; and I'm pretty sure I am going to face withdrawls. But, like I said before, change can be a good thing if you make it a good thing. I have always wanted to conquer my addiction and eat healthier. It will also allow me to try new ways of eating that may even be better than sugar. Who knows what I'm gonna find! I am still excited for it all.

 So just a quick recap; I am now: gluten-free, dairy-free, yeast-free, sugar-free (refined).  I always love a good challenge!!

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