Sunday, August 23, 2009


Seeing as I couldn't sleep, again, I figured it would be a good time to write about insomnia. The insomnia started in second grade. I remember lying in bed at night thinking "I have to sleep so I can go to school tomorrow." I tried listening to soothing music, counting sheep, and even praying. However, sleep continued to evade me, though the prayer did help on occasion.
The insomnia has continued throughout my life, and I still try listening to music and praying; I've given up on the whole sheep thing. I've always thought that I just had an overactive mind that was keeping me awake. I figured I just needed to learn how to relax and quiet my mind so that I could sleep. Obviously, none of that has worked since I am writing this post. The most frustrating thing about it is that when I am tired during the day and go to take a nap I have no trouble falling asleep. However, when I go to bed at night, even if I am exhausted, I lay in bed for hours on end before I finally drift off.
The good news? I found out that insomnia is a symptom of Celiac Disease; shocking, right? Now, normally I like to explain why a symptom is connected to Celiac Disease but the truth is I have no idea how insomnia is connected. All I know is that autoimmune diseases mess up your whole body, which includes sleeping patterns. Why is this good news you ask? Well, if it's a symptom of Celiac Disease there is a chance that when I get better the insomnia will go away and I'll be able to sleep. That would be wonderful!!! But for now I'll go back to bed and see if writing this all out will help me sleep tonight.

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