Thursday, August 20, 2009

So Blessed

I have been enormously blessed my entire life and right now is no different. When I was wrapping up my college education a few months ago I was frustrated that nothing was working out the way I had planned or wanted them to. I was supposed to start grad school right after graduation, but changed my plans and decided not to go. I was going to get a job right away when I moved back home, but my mom was wise and talked me into taking three months off. I am the kind of person who always likes to have a plan, and yet for the first time in my life I felt that I should just take some time off and not plan anything. It's amazing how God works. These things have placed me in the perfect situation to take the time I need to heal. Here are some of the other things that I am grateful for right now. This is certainly not the whole list, but includes things that have particularly affected me with my diagnosis of Celiac Disease.
  • I have a loving Father in Heaven who loves and cares for me; who has guided me to find answers about my health and has placed me in the perfect position that I am in now.
  • I have a wonderful family who loves and supports me. They give me strength and help me in anyway possible; from letting me live at home again, to my mom going gluten-free with me.
  • I have the means to not work for several months without worrying about money.
  • I was blessed to be able to finish college and do well, something that myself, my parents, and the doctors are shocked at.
  • I have been blessed with finally getting answers to all of my medical problems and that I will recover enough to live a symptom-free life.
  • I have been blessed to live in a time where Celiac Disease is known and where information is available for me to learn to live with it.
I love my life and everything in it. As I continue to write about my symptoms please realize that while these things have affected my life they have not dictated it. I am not writing about them to complain about them but rather to release it and allow myself to heal mentally and emotionally as well as physically. I am also writing to hopefully help others with this disease realize they are not alone and to provide information to those who want to know.
One last petty thing... today I am grateful that I was able to find peanut butter that fit into my diet!! :) It's the little things in life that bring me the most joy!

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